On behalf of the Eleanor Fuller Forever Foundation (“EF3”), we hope everyone is staying healthy.
The EF3 board has given careful consideration as to the practicality for hosting a successful EF3 Tee Up Together charity golf tournament this September given the pandemic. While we were excited to see you again at the tournament, after thoughtful deliberation, we have decided to cancel this year’s tournament that was to be held on September 26, 2020. Given the impact this pandemic has had on attendees, sponsors, donors, volunteers, the children and families of EF3 and our local community, we don’t feel we can host a tournament at the same level as we have done in the past. After various discussion with management at the golf course, there are tight restrictions on the number of golfers, carts and our ability to have a dinner and raffle following the tournament. If you have already paid for entry into the 2020 tournament or paid for a sponsorship, we can either refund your money or hold your spot for the 2021 EF3 Tee Up Together charity golf tournament which will be held at Timber Creek Golf Course in Roseville on Saturday, September 25, 2021.
Given the golf tournament is our largest fundraiser, we are committed to identify other opportunities to help raise the funds needed to continue to support our existing kids of EF3 as well as have the necessary funds to accept the next years group. Part of our strategy is our commitment to our community, sponsors and donors. We will be identifying local businesses to host fundraising events at their place of business that will also bring in funds to help them get through these tough times. We will also have various on-line raffles to exciting destinations and pop up events. Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Instagram at Eleanor Fuller Forever Foundation and visit our website at www.ef-3.org for updated information on what we are doing in the upcoming months.
Your prior involvement has made a huge impact in our fundraising efforts and we hope that will continue. Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you at one of the events very soon!